Admit it, you have seen at least one pornographic film in your life, everyone has. In fact, researchers at the University of Montreal wanted to compare the behavior of men who viewed sexually explicit material with those who had never looked at it all. The research study was to be led by Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse, who later found out that he had to rethink his strategy on conducting the study. The professor had a major problem. He and his researchers could not find a single man in his 20's that never once watched porn!
So obviously, whether you like adult entertainment or not, it's here to stay for a long time. But is it good or bad? Unfortunately, I don't see it as being a simple yes or no answer. On one hand, research has shown that excessive porn watching can lead to an increase in divorce rates because some spouses consider viewing porn as bad as adultery. But on the other hand, there is not any scientific evidence to prove that viewing porn increases cases of rape or sexual assault.
The answer to the question is going to have to be an individual answer because I don't ever see anyone ever agreeing or speaking the truth when they are discussing it publicly. We feel that we need to condemn porn whenever it is being discussed, it happens every time and everyone will tell you that they never watch it. Well, for a company that rakes in billions a year, isn't it funny that nobody watches it? In conclusion, I think the world would not be worse if there was no such thing as porn, so society can live without it. However, I don't see it happening.
So, Is Porn Good Or Bad For Us?
Level wooooo) very high)))) Everything you wanted to know about adult movies and magazines.
Voiced by Loni
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