Matthew Cates

Matthew Cates

  • Many book-lovers still prefer the traditional option and value the tactile sensation of a bound paper book. A portable little e-reader on the other hand can carry an entire library wherever you go, which…

    Added 11.05.16
  • The defining event of young Nikola’s childhood was the day he witnessed the death of his older brother Dane in a riding accident. In the years following the tragedy, Tesla (the son and grandson…

    Added 04.05.16
  • Do you have a co-worker who stinks? Or the one who talks on the phone all the time? Or maybe you are that person who annoys everyone in the office? Listen to our podcast and learn the constructions and…

    Added 27.04.16
  • Everyone loves Leonardo DiCaprio…except all the white males who rule the Academy Awards.  Leo can’t win to save his life!  Maybe they’re just jealous of his good looks!  …

    Added 26.02.16