Art. Literature

Art. Literature

This is the second podcast in Art series

This time Olena Koshovska talks about literature. 


Listen to the vocabulary list for this podcast


Written and Voiced by Olena Koshovska

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Art. Literature

A friend of mine is mad about reading. She says that a good book is even though temporary, but still an addiction: “While reading, you are deeply and totally engaged. Nobody around exists, important matters (if they are not crucial ones) are postponed to “better times”, you can't fall asleep until you finish this chapter, oh, no – one more… Does it sound familiar? And, when the story finally ends you wish it would go on…”

She reads everything: prose, poetry, fiction, science fiction, autobiographies, and memoirs. When it comes to prose, she is rarely inspired by spending time over a novel. Even though it is interesting, it takes too long for her to come to the final point. Instead she prefers short stories or narratives. The plot is usually moving, the characters are bright and the main idea is thought-provoking.

As for me, different people have varied preferences in reading. It strongly depends upon their age, interests, social status or even professional sphere.

Children particularly adore fairy tales and fibs that are full of mystery. Personages are often divided into “kind” and “malicious” and the struggle between Good and Evil normally finishes in favor of Good. What else is enticing for little readers is that the characters can be whoever one likes: animals, tiny dwarfs and midgets, valiant heroes and enchanting fairies, almighty wizards and imaginary creatures.

But, adults also like the genre of fantasy. That is why, so popular were (and still are) the books like “Harry Potter” and “The Lord of the Rings”. They were made into a movie and millions of people all over the world had a possibility to see their beloved characters on the screen.

Travelling by train or plain, I frequently notice people carried away by detective stories. For some of them it may become a real craze! And they cannot imagine their lives without investigating a recurrent crime. “The police is chasing a criminal who is supposed to have stolen diamonds from a private collection. But the diamonds appear to be fake and the real ones belong to a successor who is a young lady-vamp whose lover has just been murdered…” And so on so forth.

Reading enriches our personal outlook and broadens horizons. Every book that we hold in hands adds something to our attitude and teaches new principles of life. It can also influence our relationships with people. Besides, reading is very useful for those who study a foreign language! It gives a valuable opportunity to fill up our vocabulary endlessly!