Popular Holiday Destinations in Europe. Italy. Part 3. Florence

Popular Holiday Destinations in Europe. Italy. Part 3. Florence

This podcast is about probably the cradle of the Renaissance and the flowering city of Tuscany, Florence. 
Discover something new about European cities with Olena Koshovska in Popular Holiday Destinations in Europe series.

Written and voiced by Olena Koshovska

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Popular Holiday Destinations in Europe. Italy. Part 3. Florence

Are you ready to be carried to the city that is called the cradle of the Renaissance and the flowering city of Tuscany? It is Florence (Firenze in Italian). It will fascinate you straightaway with its spirit of antiquity. Every nook of the Old Town bears a breathtaking view or a masterpiece that dates back to centuries.

Florence seems to be in spring time all year round. Just take a look at Duomo (the Cathedral) that is covered with greenish, white and pinkish marble plates – people call it “the floral Cathedral”. Everything looks blooming here: rose bushes and lemon trees, parks and squares, gardens and quaysides. The city inspired the whole pleiad of eminent people to create arts and discover the world. Among them you can find Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli, Amerigo Vespucci, Petrarka, Dante, Giotto and the family of Medici.

Florence is an amazing city. The World Capital of Art.

The Uffizi Gallery with the statue of David by Michelangelo and Botticelli's ‘Birth of Venus'; painting masterpieces of Palazzo Pitti; churches of San Lorenzo and Santa Croce; the frescos of Capella Brancacci; glaring gold of jewelry of Ponte Vecchio (the Old Bridge) - a day or two is definitely not enough to look at all sights of Florence.

Every season, all year round magnificent artistic treasures wait for your visit with welcoming embrace and Italian hospitality.

Italy is a wonderful and versatile country. Milan is considered to be the capital of man's fashion. Naples (Napoli), the third biggest after Rome and Milan, impresses by stunning landscapes and the views of the volcano Vesuvio. Sardinia and Sicily islands fascinate by the azure sea, golden beaches and secluded bays attracting hundreds of loving couples…

This country with great culture, rich history, delicious food, good wine and the most melodic language in the world must be visited by every connoisseur of fine at least once in a lifetime.