Same, but sooo Different

Same, but sooo Different

This podcast is about some English words which are called homophones.

The words which sound the same, but have different meanings and are spelled differently.

Can you think of any examples?

Listen to this podcast to learn more! 


Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova

Словарь Ножницы Перевод Значение Замена

The same, but so different. Episode 1

Hello, guys! Hope that you're having a great day, because I certainly am!

Today I would love to tell you about some English words which are called homophones.

Do you know what homophones are?

That's right, they are words which sound the same, but have different meanings and are spelled differently.

Can you think of any examples?

I'll give you one.

Be. How many ways of spelling this word do you know? That's right, there are two words that sound like this.
Can you spell them for me?

B-E-EThat's right. What's the second one? B-E.

Which one is a verb? Good, the second one, B-E, is a verb – to be, was/were, been.

What does the other word, B-E-E, mean?

Great job! It is a small insect that makes honey.

Do you like honey?


*  *  *  *  *

Okay, here's the next one.

By the way, ONE. How can we spell it?
How many ways of spelling it do you know? I know two ways of spelling it.

How do we spell number one? That's right, O-N-E.

And if a person is the winner, he has won the game, and we spell it W-O-N.

Have you ever won anything?
How did you feel?

*  *  *  *  *

I'll spell a word, and you need to say it. Ready? G-U-E-S-T.

How do we say it? Guest.
That's right.

Who is 'a guest'?
It's the person who you invite to your house, or some people who come to a party.

Do you invite guests to your house?

How else can we spell a word that sounds like “guest”? Good!

G-U-E-S-S-E-D. It's the second and third form of the verb “to guess”, isn't it?

Have you ever guessed something that was very surprising?

*  *  *  *  *

I know that the Earth is round. How do we spell “know”?

Good! K-N-O-W! What do you know about the Earth?

I have no more information.

How do we spell “no” here? N-O. Sounds just like K-N-O-W, but is spelled completely differently!

No, as in N-O, is the opposite of YES.

When was the last time you said NO today?

So now you know four pairs of homonyms!


Don't confuse them! Good luck!

Watch out for our next Homophones podcast!