What Makes You Spend More

What Makes You Spend More

There are some of the tricks shops are using to keep you in-store and encourage you to spend more. Listen to our podcast and find out secrets shops use to make you spend more.


Voiced by Cheryl White

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“How much is it?” Whether we buy something or not usually depends on the answer to this question. But often we go shopping and come back with stuff we don't need. People like a bargain. If something is on sale or has a discount, chances are we will get it. Even though we will probably end up paying more than this merchandise is really worth. Many retailers rely on clever marketing tricks to attract shoppers.

“Buy-one-get-two” promotion.
You think it's cheaper to buy two items for the price of one? It's not. Promotions like these make you double up on things you didn't intend to purchase, and help retailers get rid of overstock. Clothing stores often offer such promotions with the condition that the second, “free” item must be "of equal or lesser value". Searching for it, you will stay in the store longer, try on more clothes, and either buy more or get something that is more expensive than your first item.

Limited time offers.
The now-or-never urgency is a powerful marketing tool. If you believe the discounted product is in low supply or that this low price is only good for a few hours, you'll make a purchase of an unnecessary product simply for fear of missing out on a great opportunity. This trick is popular at open markets, too: the seller will convince you he's about to run out of stock so you won't haggle.

Odd-even pricing
When something is priced, say, $9.99 instead of $10, in your mind it will seem as if it costs $9.00. It's a trick of perception that marketers call the “left-digit effect”. Pricing down just one cent almost guarantees that you'll buy the product on impulse, thinking it costs less than it does.

So shop carefully and keep your spending in check!