Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationship


Is it easy to have long distance relationship? Our chick has her own opinion about it. Let’s listen to our podcast, find out about her private life and revise grammar tenses)


Voiced by Cheryl White

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You know, I'm a very adventurous chick. I travel a lot. In my recent trip to Europe, I met Mr Schnitzel, such a gentlemen! We traveled around Europe together. In Berlin, we were visiting the Philarmonic Hall. In Paris, we were drinking wine near the Canal Saint-Martin. In Spain, we were enjoying the sea and the sun. What a romantic vacation! Then I left home and we kept in touch online. At first, it was okay. We were messaging morning till night and skyping every other day and making plans to see each other next month. Then he started disappearing and not answering my messages instantly. One day he unfriended me on Facebook without saying a word. For sure, he has found some pretty Ms Sausage! What a jerk.
Recently, I started dating a Ukrainian guy, Kovbasa. He doesn't listen to classical music and confuses Merlot and Cabernet wines. He's not such a well-educated gentleman but at least we can spend time together whenever we want and don't need to rely on internet connection. Auf Wiedersehen, Mr Schnitzel! No more foreign dishes in my love life. No more long distance relationship!