
  • A lot could go wrong on a date: The person you're currently sharing sweet potato fries with just might call his ex, or loose his tooth during the dinner. You could discover the two of you have zero chemistry…

    Added 22.01.16
  • Do you like retelling stories or events? Then you will need to know everything in this podcast! Written and voiced by Inna Zharuk

    Added 17.10.14
  • The best way to prepare yourself for the interview is to know what may be coming and practice for it in advance. What did you like and dislike about your previous job? Some interview questions are relly…

    Added 14.12.15
  • Greeny is hungry! And he tells us what he wants to eat.   Listen to the vocabulary list with translation. Listen to this podcast in Russian   Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova *  *  *  *…

    Added 04.07.13
  • Reporting live from a windowsill near you, it’s special correspondent Spike Thorny. Yes, ladies, the “t” is silent… and yes, I am a prick in case the barbs didn’t give you…

    Added 09.02.18